Brown Claims Management Group, LLC
Brown Claims Management Group, LLC and Legion Claims Solutions, LLC are both subsidiaries of Equitatus Holdings, LLC, owned exclusively by Stephen L. Brown. Mr. Brown is beginning a slow transition of absorbing the operations of Brown Claims Management Group, LLC into the operations of Legion Claims Solutions, LLC, and thus, you have been re-directed to the Legion Claims website (www.LegionClaims.com) .
During this transitionary period the Brown Claims URL and E-mail addresses will remain active to ensure that there are no interruptions in communication or services.
Legion Claims offers an even more diverse array of P&C claims management services, all under the same executive management that has moved over from Brown Claims Management Group.
For further information, please reach out to Steve Brown (SBrown@LegionClaims.com) or Rodney Magee (RMagee@LegionClaims.com );