Justin Taylor

Executive Claims Manager

Justin Taylor

Justin has been in a supervisory role with the Brown family of claims adjusting companies for over 12 years and has extensive daily claims and catastrophe claims experience in both residential and commercial multi-lines claims. Justin is active in the management of both Brown Claims Management Group and Legion Claims and has a dedicated team of adjusters under his direction, and together, they serve the claims needs of some of our most loyal and longstanding daily and catastrophe claims clients.

Our Mission

Our mission at Legion Claims is to deliver unmatched property & casualty claims support to the insurance, governmental, and industrial sectors. We strive to provide a superior claims service that sets us apart, leveraging our resources, experience, and the latest technology. Legion aims to be the preferred provider for our clients and the top choice for career claims professionals.

Corporate responsibility is a cornerstone of our business. We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards, conducting ourselves with honesty, integrity, and respect. We understand the importance of representing our clients responsibly and professionally, treating all stakeholders with respect throughout the claims process.